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Advanced Meters

Network tasman

Reading Advanced Meters

We expect that your electricity retailer will share your electricity usage with you so that you can make informed decisions about how you use electricity in your home or business.

Having this information will give you greater control over your energy bills and an understanding of where future efficiency gains can be made - allowing you to save money.

If you have any problems with your meter, please contact your energy retailer. The energy retailers are responsible for the meters on your meterboard.
How to

Read the Display Panel

There is a prominent number in the top line of the meter display and a less prominent number on the bottom line of the display. The number on the bottom line is the register. The prominent number on the top line is the information held in that register.

In the example to the right, 32 is the register number and the prominent number is the date. On all Network Tasman Meters register 32 displays the current date.

The display panel is constantly scrolling through the registers and each time the register number changes the prominent number in the top line changes as well.

You can manually scroll through the registers by pushing button 1 located below the panel (button 2 is disabled). You won't do any harm by pressing either button.
How to

Read Power Usage

Your meter could have up to 8 registers depending on your tariffs and the number of meters on your meter board.

Registers 1, 2, and 3 display the energy consumed within your home since the meter was installed on the meter board.
Registers 4, 5, and 6 display the energy exported from your home since the meter was installed on the meter board.

Homes with Solar generation may have all six of these registers depending on the size of your solar installation. Homes with Solar generation will also have registers 10 and 11.

Register 10 records the total energy imported into your home since the meter was installed.
Register 11 records the total energy exported from your home into the network since the meter was installed.
How much energy you have used or exported since your last invoice is the difference between the number displayed in a register and the corresponding reading on your last power account.

i.e. if register 1 reads 1000 and your last invoiced reading for this register was 900, your current month to date usage on this register is 100 units. To calculate total usage, you will need to do this for each register on your power account.

If you have any problems with your meter, please contact your energy retailer. The energy retailers are responsible for the meters on your meter board.
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For more Information about Advanced Meters

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