Network Tasman owns and operates the electricity distribution network in the wider Nelson and Tasman areas, excluding Nelson Electricity's supply area in Nelson city.
We distribute power to more than 43,000 consumer connections in an area of 10,800 km2 in the northwestern corner of the South Island. This means that we look after the poles and wires that take electricity from the national grid and deliver it to the homes and businesses across Nelson Tasman.
Network Tasman is proudly consumer owned. This means that we are entirely owned by the consumers connected to our network. The Network Tasman Trust holds the shares in Network Tasman on behalf of our consumers. Since 1994 more than $245 million has been returned to consumers by way of discounts and dividends.
As an owner and shareholder of Smartco we are pleased to share that Smartco was recently honoured as one of the top three finalists at the annual New Zealand Energy Excellence Awards. These awards, as we all know, celebrate the pinnacle of achievement and excellence within our energy sector.
Our association with Smartco in the development of the HIKO energy insights and data platform has been a journey of innovation, collaboration, dedication, and mutual growth spanning just over a decade. With its enriched and actionable LV data, HIKO has been instrumental in addressing numerous network and consumer challenges. It's a testament to what can be achieved when industry leaders come together with a shared vision.
Further and Faster with
Network Tasman Fibre
Network Tasman Fibre is the largest independent regional open-access fibre network in New Zealand. Using our experienced local team on the ground, coupled with world-class technology we can provide super-fast high-performance service.
Fibre for Residential
We can provide a super-fast high-performance broadband service to homes that allows users to continuously stream multiple devices at the same time without any bottlenecks.
Our high-speed ethernet service is delivered over fibre so you can you can enjoy high speed uninterrupted service across the greater business community and the rest of the world.
At Network Tasman we work closely with developers to ensure we provide the most effective solution to deliver premium broadband fibre services in our local communities.
If you are calling about an interruption to your power supply or a fault, please call the toll free number (0800 508 100) for our 24hr Fault Response Line
All of Pohara will be affected by a power outage from approximately 1:00 pm this afternoon, to allow for the finishing of repairs to the network following a car vs pole incident in the early hours of this morning. All consumers will have power restored by 2:00 pm. ... See MoreSee Less