The Network Tasman Trust holds all the shares in Network Tasman Limited on behalf of Network Tasman Limited's consumers.
The Trust is managed by six trustees, five of whom are elected and one who is appointed by the three largest consumers. The elected trustees serve six-year terms with the right to be re-elected. An election is held every three years for two or three trustees by rotation.
Adamson, Patrick
Barker, Ian
Davis, Gwenny (Chair)
Edgar, Judene
Kearney, Ian
Kreft, Terry
Network Tasman Trust
The Role of the Trust
The Trustees appoint the Directors of the Company and approve the Statement of Corporate Intent (SCI) for the Company which, under the Energy Companies Act 1992, requires Network Tasman Limited to operate as a commercially efficient organisation and to achieve the rates of return set out in the SCI.
By achieving its targets, Network Tasman Limited is able to pay a dividend to the Trust. The Trust is then able to provide a distribution to Network Tasman Limited's consumers.
The Trust also holds a capital investment fund arising from the proceeds of the sale of the Company's energy retailing division in the 1990s.
The Trust uses income from the dividend it receives from Network Tasman Limited and income from the Trust's investment fund to:
Meet the running cost of the Trust
Maintain the value of the Trust's investment fund
Allocate approximately $100,000 per annum to consumers and community organisations within Network Tasman Limited's distribution area by way of grants.
Provide an annual distribution to Network Tasman Limited's consumers
Electricity Trusts of New Zealand (ETNZ) Guidelines
Click on the button to read the guideline information
Trustees meet approximately nine times in the year and start their meetings with a 10 minute public forum which is open to end users of Network Tasman's electricity network.
All meetings start at 10:00am unless otherwise advised.
16 February - Network Tasman Ltd, 52 Main Road, Hope
5 April - Network Tasman Ltd, 52 Main Road, Hope
3 May (9am) - Club Waimea, 345 Queen Street, Richmond
21 June - Network Tasman Ltd, 52 Main Road, Hope
26 July - Kererū Room, Pūtangitangi Greenmeadows Centre, Cnr Main Road and Songer Street, Stoke, starting at 11:00am. Followed by AGM at 2:30pm
6 September - Network Tasman Ltd, 52 Main Road, Hope, starting at 9:00am
11 October - Network Tasman Ltd, 52 Main Road, Hope, starting at 9:00am
6 December - Club Waimea, 345 Queen Street, Richmond
Consumers connected to the network are welcome to attend the public forum. Please check here in case there are any last minute change to venue or time.
All of Pohara will be affected by a power outage from approximately 1:00 pm this afternoon, to allow for the finishing of repairs to the network following a car vs pole incident in the early hours of this morning. All consumers will have power restored by 2:00 pm. ... See MoreSee Less