
Network Tasman Trust's

Annual Distribution to Consumers

The Network Tasman Trust makes a tax- and GST-free distribution to consumers connected to Network Tasman Limited's network each year. This appears as a credit on your power bill.
All eligible consumers receive a credit on their power bill for their share of the tax-free distribution to beneficiaries from Network Tasman Trust's accumulated funds.

In December 2024, the total amount to be distributed was approximately $3.4 million; most consumers received $80 credit. Eligible customers will receive this credit regardless of who their retail power supplier is. Some customers think if they switch retailers, they will no longer get a distribution credit, but this is not the case as the distribution comes from Network Tasman Trust, not the retailer.

The Trust's accumulated funds come mostly from the sale of its energy business in 1998 and grew significantly through prudent investing. In recent years Trustees decided there was no reason to hold these funds and would pay a distribution to beneficiaries each year. At the present rate of approximately $80 per household each year, the funds should be mostly distributed to beneficiaries by 2027-28.

Eligibility Criteria

The distribution applies to all eligible customers. In terms of eligibility, all customers must satisfy the following criteria to be eligible:
Not disconnected
Meters not removed
Not vacant
No temporary boxes
No streetlights
No electric fences
Not a child account (i.e. a split account not carrying the line charge).
If you have not received this credit by your February account and believe you are eligible, 
please contact: 0800 827 878

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Network Tasman Trust?
Network Tasman Trust in an Electricity Consumer Investment Trust. The Trustees hold shares in Network Tasman Limited in accordance with the Trust Deed.
What is the Network Tasman Trust distribution?
A distribution of surplus accumulated Trust funds.
Does everyone get the same distribution?
Where have the accumulated funds come from?
Dividends received prior to 31 March 2024 by the Trust as shareholders of Network Tasman Limited and interest from Investments.
How much am I entitled to receive?
Do I have to pay GST or Income Tax on this payment?
No, this payment is exempt from all taxes.


I live in Nelson City, do I get a distribution too?
Only customers connected to Network Tasman's network get a Network Tasman Trust Distribution. This includes Stoke, Tahunanui and Atawhai, but not other parts of the city central.
Why isn't the distribution apportioned or offered on a pro rate basis?
The distribution is provided by Network Tasman Trust at a set point in time and any customers affected e.g. by house sales, should make their own apportionment arrangements. For further information, please contact the Network Tasman Trust.
Who is entitled to receive this distribution?
Basically, all permanent metered connections to the Network Tasman distribution system. For further information see the eligibility section or contact the Network Tasman Trust.
I sold my house before the cut off date. Will I get a distribution?
Eligible customers whose name is on the power accounts as at the cut-off date will receive a distribution. Any apportionment in these or any other circumstances is the responsibility of the interested parties and not Network Tasman Trust.

Timing and Payment

When do we get our distribution credit?
Most people will receive their credit on their December bill before Christmas. But this will depend on your billing cycle.
Do I get a choice of a cheque or credit on my power bill?
No, Network Tasman Trust is making a distribution by credit on your power bill only.
Will it affect my benefit?
No, it is not income for benefit or tax purposes.
What do I do if I didn't receive my credit?
If you have not received this credit by your February account, please phone 0800 827 878.
How often will we get a distribution credit?
At present, the Trust is making a distribution credit to consumers annually.
Why isn't the distribution apportioned or offered pro rata?
The distribution is provided by Network Tasman Trust at a set point in time and any customer affected e.g. by house sales, should make their own apportionment arrangements. For further information, please contact the Network Tasman Trust.
Network Tasman Trust

Contact Us

PO Box
3164 Richmond 7050
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