Network Pricing

Network prices are charged to electricity retailers and make up part of the overall retail prices that are shown on consumers' power bills.

Network Tasman consumers are categorised into load groups based on the level of network capacity they can access via their connection to the network. The pricing categories within each load group depend on the nature of the consumers' electricity use e.g. uncontrolled, controlled, off-peak, day or night, summer or winter.

Settlement residue payments

Each month Network Tasman receives settlement residue payments from Transpower (the operator of the national transmission network).

These settlement residue payments occur because the wholesale electricity market (wholesale market) produces surplus funds. The wholesale market is settled each month using half-hourly spot prices. Downstream spot prices are generally higher than upstream spot prices, due to transmission losses and congestion. These price differences mean consumers pay more for electricity than generators receive. As a result, after wholesale market settlement, surplus funds are left over: the settlement residue.

Transpower must pass on this settlement residue to its customers (including Network Tasman). If Transpower
retained these funds then it would over-recover its costs, ie, customer payments in aggregate would exceed Transpower’s transmission network costs.

Similarly, Network Tasman is required to pass on the settlement residue we receive on to our customers (electricity retailers and directly billed customers) in proportion to the transmission charges each customer pays to Network Tasman. The full methodology for passing on these revenues is set out in our annual pricing methodology.

In addition to disclosing our allocation methodology, we are required to publish an annual breakdown of the settlement residues we have paid to each of our customers. The breakdown for the 2023/24 pricing year can be found here.
Network Pricing

Price Reform Roadmap

The electricity sector is entering a time of change and opportunity as a result of climate change, decarbonisation and the growing use of distributed energy resources. In this context, distribution pricing can contribute to better investment in and use of distribution networks, provide better signals to consumers as they consider investing in their own distributed energy resources, and help ensure that New Zealand’s transition to a low-emissions economy is on the most efficient path. Accordingly, it is important we regularly  review our prices to ensure they assist these outcomes.

We have developed roadmaps for our pricing reform process to guide our development and signal potential areas for reform to interested parties. Network Tasman’s current roadmap is published below, along with past roadmaps. Future milestones should be considered indicative as they are influenced by the outcomes and conclusions of earlier roadmap stages. The roadmaps are revised and updated to capture milestones that have been achieved and to respond to changes in regulatory and industry circumstances.
Price Reform Roadmaps:
Click on the links below to view the Roadmaps:
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